
foot moss Learn more about foot moss

  • Common species of bryophytes can the main characteristics of bryophytes be eaten

    Common species of bryophytes can the main characteristics of bryophytes be eaten

    Foot moss is a kind of bryophyte, this kind of bryophyte, is one of the most widely distributed bryophytes, very common, this is a kind of moss that can not be eaten. It is mainly distributed in wet places, attached to bark, ground, stone, etc., single plant is very small, then

    2019-03-27 Moss plants common variety foot moss main characteristic
  • Empty valley foot sound Cymbidium

    Empty valley foot sound Cymbidium

    Huilan Suhua, descended from the mountain in 2005 in Kang County, Longnan City, the southern foot of the West Qinling Mountains, was selected by Cotton Bao Lanyou and named by Yang Anshan, vice president of Shanghai Orchid Association. The pattern is full, sparse and orderly, and the color is delicate and fragrant. Vegetarian heart new product-empty valley foot sound. It was selected by Mr. Li Yongkang, Longnan Kang County, Gansu Province. Introduced in 2008, small grass, lamp.

  • The skill of landscape bonsai auxiliary moss and verdant

    The skill of landscape bonsai auxiliary moss and verdant

    General root stone, strong water absorption, easy to grow moss; hard stone if placed in a damp and cool place for a long time, the lower part can also produce thin moss. From the part of the moss, there are more moss in the lower part of the rock, less in the upper platform, less in the light-facing surface, more in the backlit surface, less in the ridge and more in the depression, which is the law of natural ecology.

  • How to breed duck foot wood, duck foot wood propagation method/sowing cuttings can be

    How to breed duck foot wood, duck foot wood propagation method/sowing cuttings can be

    In evergreen shrubs, duck foot wood is one of the most popular varieties, in addition to it is very easy to feed, duck foot wood propagation is also very easy, such as sowing, cutting, layering and so on are very practical. It's simple, but it needs to be done right.

  • Decoration and embellishment after the production of landscape bonsai

    Decoration and embellishment after the production of landscape bonsai

    In the production of landscape bonsai, the theme is generally determined, the preliminary artistic conception is carried out, and then the materials such as pots, stone, plants and accessories are selected, and then the stone is processed and configured, and finally the plants and accessories are embellished. The basin is the main component of bonsai, and it also plays an important role in viewing.

  • The method of "spot moss" of landscape bonsai

    The method of

    The mention of moss bonsai can not help but remind us of Japanese-style horticultural landscape, lovely shape, green bonsai by people's imagination to add different themes, a small container is a miniature small world. The advantage of making moss bonsai is to cultivate our carefulness and patience.

  • Matters needing attention when using scattered Stone layout to make Landscape Bonsai

    Matters needing attention when using scattered Stone layout to make Landscape Bonsai

    Bonsai is not a series of products in production, but a variety of works of art. Even if each bonsai has the same opening and closing layout format, the control and situation of their host and guest mountains are different. This requires us to have a certain degree of flexibility no matter whether we use scattered stones to divide the blank space or node.

  • Water plants make trees? After reading it, I just want to say 666.

    Water plants make trees? After reading it, I just want to say 666.

    Recently, everyone has been asking, how to do the small cylinder Moss landscape? Is Moss easy to live? What kind of help to fish friends. Today, the editor will teach you all the background methods of making Moss balls, Moss walls, Moss trees and even grass jars with MOSS.

  • The method of cuttage propagation of duck foot how to raise duck foot wood

    The method of cuttage propagation of duck foot how to raise duck foot wood

    Duck foot wood is a very common green plant, also known as duck palm wood, which can bring fresh air to smoking families. Duck paw-shaped leaves can absorb nicotine and other harmful substances from the smoky air and convert them into harmless by photosynthesis.

    2020-11-08 Duck feet wood cuttings propagation methods mugai how raise duck feet
  • How to grow yellow mosses?

    How to grow yellow mosses?

    Moss most like to grow in a relatively humid environment, when the moss grows into a large, that scene is very charming, then, how do you want to raise moss? Moss raised to raise to yellow how to do? How can I grow green?

  • 20 kinds of flowers stuffed into a glass bottle, the leaves burst into water, the beauty is unseemly!

    20 kinds of flowers stuffed into a glass bottle, the leaves burst into water, the beauty is unseemly!

    When it comes to growing flowers, many people think that it is life after retirement. There is a small courtyard. Actually, do not wait to grow flowers. As long as you like it, you can build a garden with a small glass bottle.

  • Breeding methods and matters needing attention of Camellia oleifera

    Breeding methods and matters needing attention of Camellia oleifera

    Duck foot wood is the well-known goose palm wood, because there are many branches of duck foot wood, so the method of cutting propagation is often used to propagate. Duck foot wood is a very ideal indoor plant with strong adaptability and high survival rate of artificial reproduction.

  • Detailed production methods of landscape bonsai: material selection, layout, modeling and plant collocation

    Detailed production methods of landscape bonsai: material selection, layout, modeling and plant collocation

    Mountain and stone material selection: landscape bonsai is a landscape formed by the arrangement and combination of mountains, stones, grass and trees in the bonsai. Mountain and stone materials are the main materials for the creation of landscape bonsai, and most of them are extracted from nature. Its texture, color and texturing patterns all have natural nature. When selecting materials

  • How to raise Wolftail Fern

    How to raise Wolftail Fern

    1. When raising wolftail ferns in the soil, you can choose the flowerpots you want according to the requirements of viewing. Generally, it is good to choose high pots or hanging pots, or you can choose flowerpots with unique shapes, such as snake pots made by special people or looking for a section of rotten wood. The soil should be loose, breathable and well drained

  • The latest 20 kinds of flowers are stuffed into a glass bottle, and the leaves pop out of water, which is unseemly beautiful!

    The latest 20 kinds of flowers are stuffed into a glass bottle, and the leaves pop out of water, which is unseemly beautiful!

    What kind of micro-landscape below this picture, you may think that it is a corner of a small garden, do not need colorful flowers, just these grass are bright in front of people, in fact, this is only a corner of the micro-landscape, this glass jar, the length is less than 1 meter! The kinds of flowers and plants inside

    2020-11-10 The latest planting flowers stuffing 1 glass bottle leaves protruding boiling water
  • How to cut duck foot wood, the cutting method / cuttage production is the key point.

    How to cut duck foot wood, the cutting method / cuttage production is the key point.

    Duck foot wood is a kind of fast-growing plant. When raising it, we should not only understand the breeding method of duck foot wood, but also master its breeding skills in order to make the alternation of new and old plants. In the reproduction of duck foot wood, the most common thing is cutting, so how to cut it?

  • The method of making rockery bonsai

    The method of making rockery bonsai

    The shape of mountain and stone bonsai can be roughly divided into five types: independent type, overweight type, opening and closing type, scattered type and overlapping type. Bonsai production can be divided into the following steps: (1) the selection of bonsai pays great attention to the setting-off of pots and frames. Pots, usually with purple sand basins.

  • Cultivation and planting methods of plants in Landscape Bonsai

    Cultivation and planting methods of plants in Landscape Bonsai

    Plants are an indispensable part of landscape bonsai. Ishimoto is stubborn, and if a tree lives, it will work. The flowers and trees in the landscape bonsai can increase the momentum, coordinate the center of gravity and separate levels, which can enhance the reality and beauty of the landscape bonsai. To plant flowers and trees on mountains and rocks, we should choose dwarf seedlings with well-developed roots and easy to live.

  • Wolftail fern used to have a flower name.

    Wolftail fern used to have a flower name.

    Dryopteris Dryopteris is a very popular indoor ornamental fern in the flower market because of its beautiful shape, rhizome and leaves. Come with the editor to get to know this cute plant!

  • Bonsai appreciation: bonsai works with unique shape, the favorite feast for the eyes of the literati

    Bonsai appreciation: bonsai works with unique shape, the favorite feast for the eyes of the literati

    Bonsai appreciation: the pine scenery such as "cloud head, rain foot and beautiful waist" is so beautiful! Bonsai appreciation:.
